Tag Archives: history

Civil War Recipe ~ Union Hardtack

Civil War Recipe ~ Union Hardtack

The Commissary Department had responsibilities.  Their duty was to buy, store, and delivery food to the soldiers.  It wasn’t the easiest job, yet the North did have an advantage over their counterpart, South, as they already had a commissary established prior to the onset of the Civil War.  Even with the advantage, both sides faced difficulties with supply and demand.  One was the inability to preserve food (like we do today), and the other was delivery time.

Union diet


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Trivia Tuesday ~ Toast on wheels

Trivia Tuesday ~ Toast on wheels

No it’s not actually toast on wheels.  But it IS Trivia Tuesday!  So the question is, “Where did the idea for a toaster originate?”.

The first “automatic” turnover toaster was patented in 1914 by Lloyd Copeman.  The patent, however, is held by his wife Hazel B. Copeman.  It is believed that his wife wanted a better way to toast the bread and asked her husband, Llyod, if there was a better way to do it.  From there history was in the making.

Turn the toast please


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